Welcome to QMBC-2025

About the workshop

The series of Workshop on Quantum Many-Body Computation (QMBC) is an annual event since 2011. This year it will be held in Hangzhou from April 11 to 13, 2025. Previously, this series of workshop was held at Chongqing University (2011), Lanzhou University (2012), Sun Yat-Sen University (2013), Hubei University (2014), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2015), Beijing Computational Science Research Center (2016), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2017), Zhejiang University (2018), Renmin University of China (2019), IOP/Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2022), MinJiang University (2023) and Northwest University (2024). It aims to provide young researchers and graduate students with both tutorials on techniques and recent developments in quantum many-body computation, and provide an opportunity for interactions in the community.


QMBC-2025 will be held in Hangzhou on April 11-13, 2025. Participants are expected to arrive on April 10 (onsite registration day) and depart on April 14. Experts will be invited to introduce the recent progresses in quantum many-body computation. The first day of the workshop, April 11, will be devoted to three tutorial lectures. The next two days (April 12 & 13) are scheduled for regular talks. Besides oral talks, this workshop will also have a session for posters. All oral talks and posters are required to be presented in English.

Conference fee

Faculty members/postdocs: 1200 RMB (online) or 1500 RMB (on-site)
Students: 800 RMB (online) or 1000 RMB (on-site)


QMBC-2025 will continue the great efforts of the eleven preceding workshops and focus on recent advances in quantum many-body computation, including exact diagonalization, quantum Monte Carlo, density matrix renormalization group, tensor networks, machine learning, etc..

Host Institutions

QMBC-2025 will be organized jointly by Westlake University (WU), Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOP, CAS), Tsinghua University (THU).


Congjun Wu (WU)      Zheng Yan (WU)      Wei Zhu (WU)

Shuo Yang (THU)        Zi-Xiang Li (IOP, CAS)